
Why It’s Cool To Celebrate Diversity  

celebrate diversity

Pride Month – Saturday 1 June to Sunday 30 June 2024 – is a fantastic time to engage with the LGBTQ+ community, to celebrate how cool it is to be unique, and to raise awareness about the importance of acceptance and equality and diversity.

Honoring individuals from a broad range of genders, ages, cultures, backgrounds, nationalities, and sexual orientations is what makes the world such an interesting and beautiful place. Life becomes a richer experience when you’re open to celebrating diversity in all of its wonderful forms.

Personal journeys of self-discovery

Since the first ever Pride, held in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles in June 1970, LGBTQ+ people have united in demonstrations for legal rights and marched in vibrant outdoor parades to show pride in their sexual orientation or gender identity. If you’re proud to wave a rainbow pride flag, there are many LGBTQ+ events that you can attend throughout Pride 2024, in the UK.

As a gay man, you may like to take a moment to reflect on your own personal journey of self-discovery during Pride month. It’s also a perfect time to get together with friends in the LGBTQ+ community, and to fondly remember lost loved ones who were proud to stand out from the crowd.

On ManChat – the UK’s busiest gay chat line – you can celebrate diversity by chatting to a variety of friendly and flirty real men from all over the UK. You can share stories and personal experiences, while practicing your best flirting techniques. And if you click with a hot guy, you can phone or text chat and also make plans to hook up in Pride month.

Pride events in the UK

During the balmy summer of 2024, you can experience colourful and energetic Pride events in the UK in an array of cities. Rainbow riot festivities kick off at Birmingham Pride on May 25-26, and continue with Edinburgh Pride (June 22) and Pride in London (June 29) which attracts visitors from all over the globe.

In London, join one million visitors and the iconic Pride Parade that traverses through some of the city’s most popular tourist attractions, including Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square. You can make new friends at the parties, workshops, and cultural gatherings that also celebrate diversity coolness in the capital. As all of the events are proudly inclusive to all spectrums of diverse community, Pride successfully promotes London as a must-visit LGBTQ-friendly destination. Glasgow, Belfast and Newcastle extend Pride’s cool celebrations of diversity by hosting lively LGBTQ+ events in July. The biggest events of the LGBTQ+ community’s social calendar – Brighton Pride and Manchester Pride – take place in August.

Challenging exclusionary behaviour

While more and more people are now openly embracing diversity, not everyone is on board with showing solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community. Some people make assumptions based on sexuality, gender and sex because they’re unable to accept anything that’s beyond their own personal world view.

It’s important to show solidarity by raising awareness of unacceptable behaviour in any environment. Bullying, harassment and discrimination is never ok.

Many employers now have strategies in place to call out unacceptable behaviour at work. When employees feel that they can trust that they will be treated fairly regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race or age, they will look forward to doing their job to the best of their ability. A diverse and inclusive workforce is more innovative and can achieve great things.

Educate friends, family or colleagues about the importance of having a shared commitment to supporting underserved communities by using LGBTQ+ positive language and talking about important topics that impact on diversity, equality and inclusion. LGBTQ+ resources such as books, films and TV shows offer an easy and fun way to explore the diverse community’s history and other LGBTQ+ topics with your loved ones and new Man Chat friends.

Gay Dating

How To Have A Successful NSA Date

Being in a NSA date or relationship can be a lot of fun for both partners, provided that you share the same outlook and expectations. On the dating scene, casual hook ups are commonplace, and they provide a variety of benefits that are not solely sexual.

Hooking up for completely casual sex is no longer considered taboo. Open-minded men and women can enjoy the sexual liberation that comes with not bedding the same person twice. On ManChat – the UK’s busiest gay phone service – you’ll easily connect with hot and horny guys looking for a good time, nationwide.

As a single adult, you’re free to pick and choose whom you date without having to deal with regret in the morning. If you’re in a relationship that isn’t satisfying your high libido, NSA dates with sexy strangers can deliver the thrills that you’re seeking.

What’s Your Arrangement?

If you’ve got a crush on a friend and secretly desire to get up close and intimate with them, you need to pay attention to the unwritten NSA dating rules… Having casual sex with someone you already know is defined as a ‘friends with benefits’ hook up.

Your fuck buddy doesn’t have to listen to your jokes, anecdotes and problems when you’re getting together for physical pleasure and sexual gratification. They may however, develop an intimacy attachment, if you’re hooking up on a regular basis.

NSA arrangements work best when you’re dating new people that you’ve instantly clicked with on a gay phone chat line service or a hook up app.

When your goal is to achieve a successful NSA date, there’s absolutely no need to be emotionally invested. You can let go of the usual dating concerns, and simply relax and enjoy the moment. You also don’t have to think about whether or not you’ve made a lasting first impression, or what your chances are of date No.2.

Are You Ready?

While it’s exciting to meet new people, and to explore your sexuality and fantasies without fear of rejection or ridicule, it’s crucial that you’re honest with yourself before embarking on NSA dating.

Are you ready to let go of relationship expectations? Can you forget about past connections and live in the moment? How much do you desire the exploration of your wild and kinky side?

It’s essential that you’re honest with the person you’re meeting for casual sex. Let them know that you’re only interested in adult fun that lasts one night. It’s also common sense to use protection, especially if you’re indulging in on-the-go quickie sex with a multitude of strangers.

Follow The NSA Dating Rules

Flirting with a hot guy on ManChat is fun, and it can greatly boost your self-confidence. To maximise your chances of a successful NSA date, it’s best to avoid sharing information that is too personal. Focus instead on flirty banter, and chat about general topics, before arranging a date.

On date night, relax and chill. NSA dates don’t have to include dinner and drinks, or other activities that are usually associated with traditional dating. It’s perfectly acceptable to be direct and plan to meet up just for sex, if that’s what you both want to do.

There’s nothing selfish about focusing on your body and pleasure. A NSA date offers an opportunity to try out things that you may have been afraid to do in a committed relationship. Be open-minded and let your playmate know what you like, and what you want to experience.

When you’re done having sex, avoid any pillow talk. If you’ve hooked up at your place, give your date an hour tops before politely asking them to leave. The same timeframe applies if the encounter happens at theirs, and you’re the one doing the departing.

Don’t expect a text from your one-night stand lover the next day. When you play by the successful NSA dating rules, there’s no time to waste on a connection that is purely pleasure based. It’s much more fun focusing on exploring fresh dating opportunities.

Gay Dating

Seasonally Single

While the spirit of Christmas is traditionally associated with togetherness, if you’re someone who is seasonally single, it doesn’t mean that you have to miss out on all the fun.

On ManChat, the UK’s busiest gay chat line service, it’s a virtual Christmas party 24/7! There’s no need to spend Christmas alone when you can easily connect with gay, bi, and straight real men all over the UK.

The Perfect Christmas

Most people spend the lead up to Xmas Day deep in preparation and shopping. If family and relatives are involved, there’s likely to be a considerable amount of compromise also going on. If you’re a single (or married) guy who longs for a different kind of Christmas, make plans to ensure that 2022 is your best year ever!

Being seasonally single means that you have the freedom to do Christmas exactly how you want. You can kickback and relax and do the things that you love, without the pressure of following age-old traditions that fill you with little joy. Spending Christmas Day on your own is the perfect antidote to a busy and stressful lifestyle, or to conforming to someone else’s idea of what a great Xmas is.

On ManChat, you’ll find thousands of guys who are up for Christmas chatting, flirting and more. If your idea of the perfect Christmas involves no stress, no hassle and plenty of fun, all you have to do is login and connect with whoever takes your fancy.

The NSA Xmas

Whether you love the thrill of chatting to new people, or you’re hooked on the sexual stimulation that flirting with sexy strangers can give you, on ManChat your Christmas wish can certainly come true.

It’s easy to get into the Christmas spirit by sending an icebreaker message to a variety of men who are open to chatting and texting during the festive season. You can send flirty Xmas wishes and ask them if they’ve been good or naughty, or give and receive Santa’s sexting surprises by uploading and downloading photos on your phone.

If you ‘click’ with a hot guy, be cool and take your time getting to know him in the lead up to Christmas Eve. If you’re both free and available, you could arrange a NSA hook up on Christmas Day.

Prefer to take your time before planning a date, you can make plans for a New Year’s Eve rendezvous, or save the erotic adventure for 2023. Having to wait to enjoy the promise of a lustful sexual encounter will intensify the excitement for both of you.

Happy New Year!

The season of goodwill is the perfect time to hit pause and reflect on yourself and your life. The other side of Christmas Day is typically when most people make unrealistic resolutions that they hope will improve their enjoyment of life.

If you’re seasonally single, take advantage of the freedom that you have to think solely about yourself. Consider how satisfied you are with your life, and what you would like to alter or enhance. Instead of following the traditional trend of giving up something, commit to new things that enrich your life experience.

If you want to find love, or to have unlimited NSA encounters in 2023, start the New Year by making new connections with real guys who want the same thing as you. Being open and upfront about your wants is essential, if you desire a positive transformation of your circumstances in the New Year.

Gay Dating

How To Make Any Man Want You

Whether you’re looking to practice your flirting technique, to enjoy NSA fun on a casual hook up, or to find Mr Right, you can definitely increase your success rate by chatting to hot guys on ManChat. The UK’s busiest gay phone service instantly connects you with thousands of potential dating candidates. Meet hot men and make them want you!

As the safe and discreet chat line service offers an easy and convenient way to chat, flirt and text gay, bi, and straight men all over the UK, you’re likely to have some competition in attracting the attention of your crush. To stand out from the crowd, on the popular social networking platform, it’s highly recommended that you put in a little work…

Show Off Your Confidence

Before you can make any man want you, you first need to get him to notice you!

By practicing self-love, you’ll boost your self-esteem, self-respect and self-confidence, and become an attractive option for someone who is looking for their perfect match.

To make confidence building easier, it’s important that you let go of emotional baggage and any personal issues relating to your past. You can use self-help resources, consult a professional, or confide in a trusted friend, to work through emotional blocks and repetitive patterns of behaviour. Letting go of negative emotions will uplift your mood and make your personality more magnetic.

  • Online

Present yourself online in an appealing way, by creating a dating profile that is authentic and genuine. Don’t pretend to be someone that you’re not. To catch every guy’s eye, add your most flattering photo and engaging text.

  • In Person

On a date, don’t be shy about strutting your stuff with confidence. Dress to impress, and allow your natural charm to ooze and captivate.

Be Friendly & Flirty

To make a man want you, you need to pique his curiosity while also getting his adrenaline pumping. The best way to do this is by practicing your flirting.

When you playfully flirt with someone you fancy, you’re letting them know that you’re interested. Flirting allows you to push the boundaries while still keeping the connection in the fun zone.

Do resist the temptation to take flirting to the next level too soon though. Pace yourself by flirting and pulling back, so that you get your POI to chase you. Laying out all of your best flirtatious moves in one fell swoop is unlikely to make the guy you’re keen on want you for keeps.

Be friendly and open, and take an active interest in his life. Ask him questions about his likes/dislikes, and get him talking about stuff he loves. The more relaxed he feels chatting with you, the better your chances of getting what you want – whether it’s a hot date or a NSA hook up.

Complimenting a guy you like will make him feel special, provided that you don’t go overboard when stroking his ego. Pay genuine compliments that focus on more than his looks.

Share Some Secrets

After you have exchanged a few messages, you’ll both want to get into a deeper conversation. It’s important to understand that not everyone is instantly comfortable sharing private information and secret stuff. To encourage your crush to open up, it’s helpful to take the lead in sharing.

You don’t have to share your entire life story, or anything that’s reserved for the ears of your best friend. Start by telling him an anecdote about something that recently happened to you. If you have established a rapport, it won’t be long before your crush follows your lead and tells you things about his life. You’ll then be able to naturally develop a connection that is beyond physical attraction.

Tweak Your Body Language

When you’re out on a date, it’s worth making a few tweaks and adjustments to your body language. Knowing how to use the best moves to your advantage enhances your self-confidence, and boosts your chances of a second date.

Use body language to signal your feelings. Subtle gestures – such as eye contact, flirty touches and mirroring mannerisms – can be highly effective in conveying your interest, without you uttering a single word. It’s best to avoid crossing your arms, if you don’t want him to think that you’re on the defensive.

If you want a guy to know that you think he’s damn hot, hold eye contact for a second or two beyond the point that feels comfortable. A guy who is switched on will pick up the signals and respond by copying your body language.

Maintain An Air Of Mystery

It’s a fact that men love the chase. To hook him and reel him in, it’s crucial that you maintain an air of mystery.

  • Lure the hot guy of your dreams by flaunting your confident personality and sex appeal to grab his attention.
  • Pique his interest with sparkling conversation, cheeky banter and your natural charm and wit.
  • Get him interested by flirting and playing hard to get. Holding back a little and keeping him guessing will make him even more curious about you.
  • Keep him on his toes by being unpredictable, in a good way.

When you successfully put all these steps into practice, your POI will crave your company, and will want no one but you.


How To Stimulate His Mind

Gay Man Chat

To establish a rapport and a connection, with the friendly, like-minded and sexy stranger that you’re chatting to on the UK’s busiest gay phone service, it’s important that you more than flirty. Stimulating his mind will score you brownie points, and increase your chances of successfully arranging a date.

Show off your personality and confidence by engaging your POI in light-hearted and cool banter that effortlessly develops into hot seduction.

Explore Each Other’s Minds

To make a great impression, you don’t have to be OTT in your behaviour or with your compliments. Being your usual warm, charismatic and friendly self will make any guy that you message on ManChat positively responsive towards you. Send a cheeky private message or a flirty text, and take your time getting to know each other before arranging a meet.

When you explore each other’s minds you share ideas and create a joint vision that is bigger and better than anything you could have imagined by yourself. Initiate conversation by focusing your attention on your crush, so that you can get to know how his brain works. Talk about a variety of topics, including dating-friendly general interest and personal stuff such as background, work life, family history and culture. Discovering mutual likes and dislikes will also help to bond you closer together.

You’ll gain a rounded view of each other’s values and opinions, as you form mutual respect and trust.

Pay Non-Physical Compliments

While everyone loves to receive compliments about their physical appearance and good looks, these types of comments do little to stimulate the mind and make someone putty in your hands. To make your POI feel extra special, compliment him on his sharp mind, wit and intelligence. If he’s particularly knowledgeable about something, mention that too.

Make sure that your compliments sound genuine and sincere.

Ask Great Questions

To unlock the mystery of what makes someone tick, you have to be brave enough to ask great questions. This is not the time to focus on small talk and hot gossip about superficial stuff. You need to be willing to dig deeper, if you want to stimulate his mind like no one else has ever done before!

Begin by asking him questions that relate to his most recent and/or significant memories, goals and dreams. Move on to questions that explore unlimited possibilities… “If you had a superpower, what would it be?”; “If you could time travel, what year would you visit?”; “if you could steal something and not get caught, what would it be?”

As you stimulate his mind with thought-provoking questions, you’ll also be working magic on his senses.

Share Your Thoughts

The most personal and intimate thing that you can do with another person surprisingly doesn’t involve sex. Sharing your thoughts with someone offers them an open invitation to get to know your vulnerable side. This takes time, patience and practice, so be prepared to go slow when melding minds and getting to know each other on a deeper level.

Have Fun

When you’re chatting and flirting with a handsome hunk that you instantly clicked with on ManChat, you should definitely be having fun. Mind stimulation doesn’t only involve hot topics that are personal and serious in nature. Expressing personality and a sense of humour is equally important when establishing a connection and rapport.

Tickle his funny bone, and make him LOL, by sharing stories about past experiences. It’s fine to talk about people and situations that make you laugh, but avoid being rude or crude.

If you can stimulate his mind while also making him chuckle, you’ll have made a first class impression on any guy that you want to date.

Tell Him How He Makes You Feel

Once you’ve completed your fun and light-hearted fact-finding mission, you’ll need to integrate all that you have learned about your POI.

Think about the information and ideas you have shared and explored together. If you find that you’ve been mutually stimulated by your interaction, you could have the basis for a future successful relationship!

To get him addicted to you, show honest and genuine interest by letting him know how he makes you feel.

Phone Chat

Casual Gay Sex Vs Relationship Gay Sex

Gay Sex

For sex to be great, it should ideally be an erotically charged, exciting and fun experience that leaves you and your partner both feeling orgasmically satisfied and exhilarated. Unfortunately for most people, the quality, and frequency, of sex usually starts to wane once the honeymoon period is over in a relationship. How you feel about yourself, your body confidence, and the way that you connect with other people, also play a part in the fulfilment of your sex life.

Not getting enough sex, if you’re in a relationship, may tempt you to stray and go in search of casual gay sex that is uninhibited. Gay, bi and straight men looking for ways to make their sex life more thrilling enjoy no strings attached fun on the phone, when they hook up with guys who are just as horny, on ManChat.

Whether you’re looking for short-term NSA encounters, or hoping to meet a man who is Mr Right for the long-term, you can definitely find the perfect match for you, on a phone chat, text and online dating service that is nationwide.

Casual Gay Sex – The Pros & The Cons

Casual gay sex will appeal to you, if you’re the kind of man who tends to view sex as a goal, and you want it frequently and regularly, with a variety of partners. Besides being exciting and risqué, casual sex gives you the freedom to explore your sexuality, with no pressure or obligation involved.


  • Having sex with someone you’ve just met can be intoxicating, addictive and liberating
  • Hooking up with different guys can add variety to your sexual repertoire
  • One-time hook-ups can be the perfect antidote to getting over a relationship break up, or help to enhance the level of intimacy that you have in a current relationship
  • Casual sex can give you a massive ego boost, and elevate your self-confidence
  • It’s easy to connect and click with a genuine casual sex partner on ManChat, for flirty banter, or a hot date that promises casual sex


  • You’ve got to be willing to put in the effort to get what you want – sign up for free on the gay text chat dating service and start your casual sex search today
  • Not all casual sexual encounters will live up to your expectations – so be realistic!
  • So many men, so little time! If you don’t have a sexual type, you may feel overwhelmed by the variety of profiles of different men featured on the site

Relationship Gay Sex

When you’re in a committed gay relationship, the sexual intimacy that you share with your partner means a lot more than just getting your rocks off. In a relationship, you can feel vulnerable, emotionally bonded and loved. If the partnership lacks trust, mutual respect and harmony however, sex usually suffers and can become a chore, an obligation or non-existent.


  • Great sex in a relationship makes you feel fulfilled, loved and happy
  • You know each other’s sexual likes/dislikes and have healthy boundaries
  • If you’re on the same wavelength, you can explore your sexuality, kinks and fetishes in a safe space
  • Your emotional needs are also met
  • Sex is virtually on tap


  • It’s easy to fall into a predictable sexual pattern – sex only at the weekends, or routine sexual positions
  • Sex that is void of passion, excitement and eroticism can be boring and deeply unsatisfying
  • Bad sex, or no sex, in a relationship can leave you feeling empty
  • When you’re comfortable with each other’s likes/dislikes, there’s little reason to experiment and explore
  • Lack of sexual activity can make you crave steamy one-night stands and casual sex with hot guys

You can get the balance right and enjoy great sex – whether you’re single, or in a happy (or sexless) committed relationship – by enhancing your flirting skills with someone you connect with on ManChat gay chat line. Anonymously chat, text and communicate online, and explore the sexual possibilities. If you’re on to a good thing, it’s easy to turn your flirtation into a date night sexual encounter.

Gay Dating

Is Gay Mobile Dating The Way Forward?

Man in check shirt smiling whilst looking at mobile phone

We’ve all been stuck at home for a long time now and we’re having to find new ways to date and get to know people.

If you’re getting bored of swiping on dating apps, why not try something a little bit different? Our gay mobile dating service is a great way to chat to singles from all over the UK on your mobile.

You can join for free and add some details about yourself, then start looking for members.

Like the look of someone? Send them a message!

You can see profile photos of potential matches and add your own. You can then message other members without giving away your number. It’s completely safe and anonymous.


How do I join?

It’s really simple! Use the online form to fill out your details. You can upload a photo too. Once you’re all set up, you can use the search facility to look for other members near you.

Top up your account with credits and start messaging guys you like the look of!

It’s so easy to get signed up and start chatting so whilst you’re stuck indoors, get chatting to single guys in your area with Man Chat‘s gay mobile dating!


Date Ideas Gay Dating

Social Distancing Date Ideas For Autumn

Two men sitting in a restaurant eating and laughingWhilst social distancing is still in place, how are you supposed to go on dates? Especially now autumn is here and the weather is colder, you can’t just go and sit in the park – well you can, but it might be a bit wet and cold! So what can you do?

We’ve listed some autumn friendly date ideas for you with social distancing in mind.

Book a table in a restaurant or pub

You’ll need to check local (and national) restrictions, but at the time of writing this most places are still open for you to go and have food, so if you’d like a traditional date, book somewhere nice for you to go and have a nice meal and get to know each other.

Go to a zoo or nature park

These are classic date ideas and for the most part are still possible. They’re great places to visit for plenty to see and talk about, in case you get stuck for conversation. It’s also great if you’re not keen on going somewhere indoors.

Go for a walk

Weather permitting you can still go for a walk in your local park, along the seafront or in the countryside. Just make sure you dress for the weather so you don’t get cold or ruin those new shoes!

Visit a museum or art gallery

If these are within both your interests they’re a great idea for an indoor date if you’re both comfortable with that. There’s plenty to talk about and you can bond over similar passions and interests.

Video call

Of course the safest option is still a video call date. If you’re not comfortable enough to meet yet, or if local restrictions are preventing it, then you can still have a date through the phone. Get a glass of wine and chat in the comfort of your own home.

So whether you’d rather an inside date or an outside date, we’ve got a few suggestions to try.
If you’re still looking for someone, get chatting to gorgeous guys on Man Chat today!

Date Ideas Gay Dating

Dating Whilst Social Distancing

Young smiling man laying on the sofa messaging on his mobile phone at home.

Dating has had to take a back seat for a lot of people in the current situation but it doesn’t need to stop entirely.

There are a number of ways you can still “go” dating and spend time getting to know someone, or maintaining the connection you already have.

We’ve listed a few of our favourites below for you to try!

Have a video call date

Whether you’ve never met, or you’ve been together a while, this is a great way to connect and have a decent chat. You can see each other so it’s easier to see emotions and hear tone of voice so you will see each other’s personalities. There are many different apps that offer video calling and some even have built in games that you can play!

Cook something together

You can also use video calling to do things together like cook a meal. You can both agree on what it’s going to be beforehand to give you a chance to prepare, then you can chat and cook and even eat together.

If you don’t like cooking, you could order a takeaway and eat it together on video chat, or if you’re a little adventurous (and trusting!) you could order a takeaway for each other.

Watch a movie together

If there’s something you both want to see, be it a movie or a TV series, watch it together! You can message throughout or have a conversation about it at the end to pick apart what you’ve just watched. It means you immediately have someone to talk to about something exciting happening!

Go for a walk together

Now we’re allowed to meet outside at a 2m distance, you could meet up and go for a walk round your local park or a long the seafront if you’re on the coast. It will give you chance to either get to know each other, or see each other if you’ve not been together for a long time.

Have a sexy phone call

If you’re isolated away from your partner it can be very lonely and you’ll be missing the intimate moments. It’s the perfect time to experiment with some phone sex! You can either explore fantasies or relive exciting times that you remember.

If you’re currently single and want to start dating, there are loads of guys from all over the UK chatting on Man Chat so join today!

Phone Chat Text Chat

Chat To Guys From Home!

Happy man using mobile phone at home in living room

As we’re all currently stuck inside, how are we supposed to remain social and keep the boredom at bay?

Our chat line and text chat can help! If you fancy talking to fit guys from all over the UK then this is the place!

All our callers are genuine so you know you’re talking to a person and not an operator – we don’t hire those.

Our phone chat is great because you get these features:

  • Chat Live
  • Create a personal voicemail
  • Choose your region
  • Exchange messages

All for 25p/min from your mobile (with NO hidden charges!) or 13p/min from your landline plus your phone company’s access charge. Call now!

If you’d rather opt for some text chat on your mobile, you can join in the fun on our text chat service by texting LADS to 79090, or join our great mobile dating!

You’ll be matched with gorgeous guys in your area and can get chatting to them direct on your mobile!

Texts are charged at £1.50 per message received (you may receive up to 3 replies) and the mobile dating is done in top-ups so you can keep an eye on what you’re spending.

So there’s no need to feel bored or lonely if you’re stuck on your own, get chatting to guys now!